Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sabrina's Coming of Age

Last week I signed Sabrina up for the Puppy Class she was supposed to attend 3 months ago. It's Graduate Puppy and at 9 months, she is still a good age to go. I've hardly spent any time training Sabrina. She grew up as a free and active little girl. Luckily, she is a smart cookie and has learned at least a few commands. She sits for her meals, she will sit to have the leash put on, she knows to wait in the car and not jump out after the door's been open, she will lay down (if lured with a treat), and she knows off/leave it. Walking on a loose lead will definitely be our hardest task. But maybe, just maybe, if I train her with her stuffed toys, it will be motivating enough. She absolutely loves toys and I am thinking of bringing a small armory of toys with me to class the first day. We don't start until the 24th so we have some time to start practicing before we embarass ourselves in class!

Today at the park we met up with my neighbor who has a 1 1/2 year old. As they walked, I tossed the ball for Sabrina. She discovered that if she dropped the ball at the toddler's feet, he would kick the ball for her to chase! It was a very cute interaction. It's times like this that makes me realize how endearing Sabrina is. She has a sweetness that is very unique. Plus she seems so at ease with children. Maybe I'll make a therapy dog out of her yet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She sounds darling!