Thursday, February 28, 2008

yummy yum yums

Need I say anything?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Confess

Two weeks ago we ran out of raw food. The entire chest freezer down in the basement was....EMPTY!! The last bulk order I purchased came in early December right after Miss Precious came home. I bought a 50 pound box of lamb necks, a 40 pound box of pork necks, 2 large lamb shoulders, 20 or 30 pounds of goat bones, and another 40 or 50 pound box of turkey necks. They lasted us til 2 weeks ago. I calculated it out and it cost us a dollar per dog per day. Not bad huh? I must have been lucky and made some really good choices. However, chisling out appropriate portions from a a solid frozen 50 pound mass was no easy feat, nor do I have the time available to do that. So I didn't order again and kinda forgot about it.

Dogs still gotta eat and we're now on a tighter budget. So, yes, I confess, we went to kibble. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I know I know. I never thought it would come to this. Not only are the dogs eating kibble, so are the cats! The horror the horror.

Our almost 2 year old Sabrina has never eaten kibble in our house. Our almost 5 year old Riley hasn't eaten kibble since he was 4 months old. Mei Mei hasn't eaten kibble since Riley made the switch. And our almost 9 year old Little Li was just starting to warm up to raw meat as well. But for a 20 pound bag, it cost us $26 to feed the dogs until we could afford it on my next pay period and I could get another bulk order in with my coop.

The verdict on kibble? It still sucks.

Everyone is guzzling water like there's no tomorrow. The Dogfather commented the other day that he's never even seen the cats actually drink from the water bowl before.

The poops from everybody are 3 times bigger and they all poop 3 extra times a day! AND the poop really stinks.

More water and more poop means more trips outside. Thank goodness I'm home all day.

I watch the dogs like a hawk in fear they are going to bloat at any minute. They have both started to wheeze after literally inhaling all the dry kibble. So now I soak it in water before I give it to them.

And of course my poor sensitive guy, Riley, is itchy itchy itchy.

RAW FOOD ARRIVES TONIGHT!!! And I'm absolutely thrilled that I will be able to pick up fresh, naturally raised chicken and duck eggs tonight as well. We are all heading to one person's house where all the orders are being sent. And she raises her own chickens and ducks. All naturally raised, free to roam, no antibiotics to worry about, no growth hormones, no pesticide, no preservative. And they are supposedly deeeeelicious. I have never had a duck egg so I am going to try 6 of them. They are supposedly great for baking and making scrambled eggs. They are not for the dogs!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Bobby's New Sibs

Bobby is Johann's new name with his new family. Apparently there is a story behind his renaming but we will have to wait for the full rescue story to be published in our Bernerblatt newsletter to know why.
Here is Bobby with his new sibs: Brewster is the Westie and Ivy is the Bernergirl. My guess is that Ivy is the lovely girl on the right and Bobby is hanging out in the back. Can't wait to read about the full story!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Homeward Bound!

Our prayers were answered! The rescue mission was a success. After days of patience and perseverance, Johann (the lost Berner) came to trust our devoted club member and her Bernergirl.
The amazing twist to this story is that due to Johann's flight-risk, it was advised for him not to be returned to his adoption home. Instead, it was advised for him to be rehomed with a family that has other dogs (hopefully Berners!) that are social and well adjusted as well as with people that he trusts so that he may begin his healing process. And whom better than the wonderful woman who spent days out on a farm gaining his trust? And without even batting an eyelash, she agreed to be his new loving mum.
What an amazing rescue and adoption story. Good luck Bernerboy. We hope to meet you someday soon.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hear Our Prayers Tonight

It's 31 degrees outside and the forecast predicts snow and rain.

One devoted person and her beloved Berner girl will be out all night on a rescue mission. This amazing person is a member of our Nashoba Valley Club. The mission is to coax an extremely frightened and scared male Berner whom has been lost since Monday! The poor guy was just adopted a mere 10 days ago by a family here so he doesn't even know the area. Our club members have been out everyday in the rain and snow looking for any sign of the boy. A few days ago, fresh tracks were found and finally, several sightings of him.

So tonight, a Berner girl and her owner will be camping out in a barn in hopes that this scared boy will go in to find comfort and end his ordeal. Please keep you fingers/paws crossed and send a prayer that this ordeal ends tonight.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I Miss My Dogs!

I have been on maternity leave for 43 days now. 43 days at home. This may be the longest time I've even stayed home and not had to go to school or work. Oh, I forgot, parenting IS after day after day of work. Alas, I digress from the topic of this post.
I have been home 43 days now and for the first time there is someone home all the time with the dogs. My Bernerboy, Riley, whom used to follow my every step around the house has resigned to nap all day in the bedroom only to be replaced by my sweet little Sabrina. She is sleeping at my feet in the nursery right now. I try to take the dogs out everyday for a walk at the park. It is good for me to get out and Miss Precious seems to nap well in the fresh air. Despite spending more time with my dogs than I ever have before, I miss them! My hands are always busy. Busy holding nursing baby, busy holding sleeping baby, busy bouncing baby, busy changing baby. And if my hands aren't full, then they are busy shoving food into my mouth because I'm starving!!!

Little by little however, Miss Precious has allowed me to set her down in a bouncy seat so that I may straighten my back, crack my shoulders, and flex my wrists to release them from their constant baby-holding positions. And during those few moments, I have realized how much my hands have missed rubbing, patting, and scratching my furry babies. I bury my face into their soft fur and give them a big bear hug. I feel every little atom in their body sizzling with excitement that they are finally getting some attention from their Mommy! So unconditional. So unjudgmental. So willing to love me back despite 43 days of neglect. There is no resentment. Just pure joy to enjoy just a few seconds of love. How I miss my dogs!