Friday, March 16, 2007

Riley is a Good Boy, Sabrina Strikes Again

Riley and Sabrina went to stay with their Auntie for 7 days.
I called her a couple of times to see how things were going.
I didn't hear back.
Double Oye.
Hey, it's not like I didn't warn her. In fact, I had doggie villa reservations all ready for them just in case.
AND I was very honest with Sabrina's mischevious nature.

"She will chew things."
"She's destroyed our remote control."
"She likes CD and DVDs."
"She'll get into the garbage."
"She counter-surfs when you're not around."
"She doesn't sleep all day while you're gone."

All these comments were rebutted by,
"Oh my place is pretty puppy proofed anyways."
"I don't really have anything that can be destroyed."
"I think it will be fine."
"OF COURSE I want to have Riley and Sabrina!"

Okee-dokee. I even offered to come over to her place to do a quick Sabrina-proof for her. She didn't think it was necessary.

Sooooooo, you wonder what Sabrina did?

She chewed the remote control.
She ate two entire containers of dog treats left on the kitchen table.
She ate a bag full of six, 6 inch bully sticks I got for all three dogs (left on the kitchen table)
And she destroyed one of her teddy bears.

The GOOD thing is, Auntie has figured out that Sabrina can be crated. Yahoo! There's still hope for her.

And throughout the entire week, Riley remained in the bedroom, WAY out of mischief. Although I'm sure he snuck out to help Sabrina out with all the bully sticks. He knows how to keep a low profile. He's my good Bernerboy!

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