Friday, September 28, 2007

2 Weeks Post 2nd TPLO

The hounds are well these days.

Riley just got his stitches out yesterday and the recovery is going as planned. Many people at the park have been asking for him, fearing the worst, of course. But I just tell him he is recovering from knee surgery and after they offer their sympathies, I tell them in an upbeat tone, "But he's ONLY got 2 knees, so once he recovers, he should be all set!" Some people get it, some people don't. Oh well. (And yes, dogs really have two elbows and two knees)

Work is being done in our attic and I think it is freaking Sabrina out a little bit. For about 2 weeks, people were cutting large holes in our roof and our attic wall to put in a lovely skylight and windows. During this time, a dog-friendly electrician was also here. Entertained by Sabrina's antics, he would stop to play with her here and there. Well, nice electrician guy is gone. Lately, we've had the 65 year old retired Russian man painting our attic. Russian man is a big man but he is a bit nervous about the dogs. Maybe it was the way his body stiffened up when both dogs sat at his feet (most politely I might add) and he tossed the peanut butter cracker he had in his hand across the room. Needless to say, he didn't want to interact much with the dogs and I think that put Sabrina off a little bit. She communicated that quite clearly to us by chewing up 3 more remote controls. *sigh* You'd think we'd find a better place for our remotes, huh?!

Meanwhile, as the attic is being painted and hopefully carpeted soon, the door has remained closed off to all animals (of the furry kind) and they are not happy with this set up. Don't worry guys, we will be unveiling the new "green room" soon! To the dogs, since we have hard wood floors everywhere else in the house, it will be like one big dog bed to them, haha!

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