Monday, February 26, 2007

Dr. Trout goes Commercial

I saw a commercial for Angell Medical Center the other day. I cannot remember what channel it was on, but there was Dr. Trout talking about the quality of care at Angell. I'm not sure how I feel about the commercial. We are indebted to Dr. Trout for his wonderful surgical skills. We trusted Riley to his care and he returned Riley back to us better than we could ever hoped for. But commercializing health care makes me uneasy. On one hand, I think these type of commercials are good to bring awareness to ignorant pet owners who do not seek medical care or even general care for their animals. But the commercial highlighted the state-of-the art machines and technologies the facility has to offer. Kinda left a bed taste in my mouth, but I'm having trouble articulating my feelings about it...maybe you can tell me why?

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