Saturday, February 17, 2007

And my vacation begins

School vacation week is FINALLY here. It's been a rough school year and I have been looking forward to this break. And nothing makes me happier than a vacation with NO plans. Well, that's sort of a lie. In the past 2 days, I've already started to fill up my schedule, but most of it is social and on my own time. So YAY!
Although you'd think since I'm on vacation I'd at least be able to sleep in, I dunno, maybe even an hour?!?!?!?!
NOOOOOOO, not a chance with my crew. I could barely squeeze in an extra 30 minutes before the pounding of paws on the hardwood floor, cold wet nose on my face, and mournful cries of hungry kitties finally drew me out of my cozy flannel sheets. And that would be at 6am. Lucky me.
So here I am at my laptop cruising around on my Yahoogroups and getting caught up on the blogs I read regularly while I make my laundry list of things I'd like to get done this week. Mundane daily life stuff like buy more kitty litter, and change the bedroom bulb, and giving Mei-Mei a bath. Riley's going to the groomers in half an hour. Poor guy used to never get this many baths. But if you constantly had a puppy pulling on your ears, biting at your neck, and drooling all over your beautiful coat, you'd need a bath now and then too. getting myself a massage. ;D


Unknown said...

Enjoy your massage!
I have kitty litter shopping on my errand list, too. So exciting...
I hope you have a great week off!!

alegna said...

The massage is better than any drug on the market. We have a great lady that comes to our house. You haven't had a good massage until you've had one from her. If you're ever coming our way, she works in Rockport too on weekends. I'd be happy to hook you up!