Saturday, January 06, 2007

A black retriever

Someone said something odd to me the other day when they saw Sabrina at the park.

"Is she a lab?" (very common question Flatties get)

"No, she's a Flat-Coat Retriever."

"Really? A black retriever? I've never seen one."

The first thought in my head was that she misheard me and she interpreted what I said as a black (Golden) retriever. I repeated what my answer had been in my head and confirmed that I had been very clear.

My second thought was, doesn't she realize that lab's are laborador RETRIEVERS? Has the world forgotten that this breed is not called a "lab" but that lab is short for laborador retriever? I have heard people, several times now, talk about labs and retrievers as if they are different groups of dogs.

I had to walk away.

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