Thursday, November 23, 2006

Getting the word out there- YAY!

Every now and then I happen to pick up a free issue of pets! magazine. It's usually at the groomer's, Dr. Doolittle's office, or this time, at the rehab clinic in Natick. It's a pretty fun paper to read as it has short articles on a lot of different topics, lots of pictures, and good resources. That's where we saw the ad for Paws in Motion.
The recent issue (November) was awesome. The cover story was about service dogs being trained by incarcerated individuals - a topic that is always fascinating to me. But there were two articles in particular that I delighted to see... one was on reading dog food labels and the other was on raw feeding. I am so happy that this type of information is getting out there to the community. Read your dog food labels! Know what the 4Ds are and you'll never want to feed that crap to your family members again! Here is a link to the entire issue: Happy reading!

pets! local news for pets & their people

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