Tuesday, November 28, 2006

5 weeks post TPLO Phase 3

This past weekend, I pushed the envelope with Riley's rehab. I took the dogs to Stonehurst and parked at the far end of the parking lot where a less popular trail head was. We, dog-park people, call this the Anti-Social trail. So I took a few deep breaths and let Riley off leash for the first time in almost 3 months.
In total, I only let him off leash for maybe 6-7 minutes. Sabrina was so excited to be trotting side-by-side with her big brother. She kept picking up sticks and shoving them into his face. The poor guy could barely enjoy his first off leash walk. At one point he did a little blast off into a quick trot and my heart nearly lept out of my chest. That was about all I could handle. I put him back on a short lead and we turned around to head home. I told myself that if he came up lame later at home that we would go right back to restricted exercise.
But lo and behold, my boy continues to use his leg better than ever. So each day, I have allowed him to walk a little longer off leash as long as there is no running, no wrestling, no pouncing, and no quick turning involved. I keep a pouch of treats on me to keep Riley close. He is a very good boy and if I didn't have to bring Sabrina with me, I think things would go much more smoothly, but who can keep that lil ball of flying black fur at home?! No doubt she'd probably destroy our house if I ever did that!
So here we go into Phase 3 of rehab - when Riley can begin to get back into shape, rebuild his muscle tone, and relieve some of that mental madness built up from almost 3 months of cabin fever. I am so happy for my brave boy.

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