Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lazy Dog Days of Summer

Today is officially the first day of summer. The longest day of the year. YAY!

*I* am also officially on summer vacation, as of yesterday. No more crazy kids for 3 weeks. And what I love most is...I'm sleeping in! (til 6 or 7 am) That's sleeping in for me. I could never sleep in before. It just made getting up early that much more painful on Mondays. Plus I would get restless and the dogs would get restless. But now the little leech inside my body keeps telling me to sleep on! sleep on! And sleep I will. The other night I konked out at 7:30 and didn't get up til 6 the next morning. YAY!

Every morning when the Dogfather rises at some ungodly hour, another warm little being takes his place on his side of the bed. I usually roll over to find a soft furry black dog that responds to the name, Sabrini Beeni Butts (Thanks Auntie Dory). She likes to sleep with her head on her daddy's pillow and she likes to sleep in with me. She also keeps good track of time and makes sure I don't sleep the day away. She's never let me sleep past 7am or nap in the afternoon past 6pm. There are parks to go to and balls to chase! I am enjoying our walks in the park just as much as the dogs are. That's just about all I have the energy for these days and I try to walk for an hour if I can.

Well, off to walk the dogs now!

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