Sunday, August 13, 2006

Stepping Forward

I drove to Jamestown, Rhode Island today to attend a board meeting for the local Berner club. I was really excited and have been looking forward to this opportunity to learn a little more about how the club is run. I have wanted to attend a meeting for the past couple of years, but I was etiher busy on all the dates or they were way too far to travel to. Our local club has members from Maine, NH, Maine, CT, NY, RI, and even NJ and PA. They meet about 6 times a year and each time they rotate through the officers' different homes within the club regional area. Jamestown is only about an hour and a half away, plus I am co-chairing the Fall Fun Day coming up in September. It was a good time to finally attend a meeting.
It started at 11am at the home of the club secretary, whom is married to the membership chair. Their home, first of all, was beautiful and had a breath-taking view of the bridge and harbor. And Berners decorations everywhere too of course!
I really enjoyed listening to the officers and directors give their reports. It was all very fascinating. After I gave my update about how the Fun Day planning was coming along, I had to leave, as they continued on to more business. I left feeling like I've found another calling. I really like being involved in the planning of our club events. There are several open committe positions. Listening to them describe the positions immediately perked my interest. I kept thinking to myself, I could do that?! I'd really like to do that! I'm going to think about this Volunteer Chairperson position. It's a little bit of PR, a little bit of spirit, and a bit of organization too. Let's see how the Fall Fun Day goes first. Come one, come all! It's September 16th from 8-3 at the Westford 4-H Fairgrounds. We are going to have a fun filled day! Yay!

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