Saturday, July 08, 2006

Another Deramaxx problem on CBS

In an I-Team Investigation , the CBS 3 I-Team uncovers a disturbing problem that may be contributing to the death of thousands of pets.The animals are dying, sometimes at the hands of their unsuspecting owners. Investigative Reporter Jim Osman exposes what could make your pet severely ill, fits in the palm of your hand.One particular dog's love and energy for years helped cheer up dying and sick patients at hospices and nursing homes in Allentown.“It was just amazing to see the look on their faces, they were just so happy to spend that hour with that dog,” said the dog’s owner.On visit days, Jetta had a big fan club.“People would sit on the sidewalk and wait and they would call Jetta, Jetta, Jetta,” said the owner.However, it's what's inside these common pet pills that her owner and even the government believe left Jetta unable to answer the call any more.“When we were getting ready to take her, she had a heart attack and she died,” explained the owner.Jetta had developed arthritis and a painful limp. A vet prescribed deramaxx to combat it.In two days, the dog started having trouble.“She wasn't really eating or drinking, she was lethargic, when the 2nd bloody bowel movement came, we were really concerned,” said the owner.Jetta had side effects from deramaxx, side effects listed on the drug company's web site.The problem was the owner says he never knew about any side effects.The vet filed a complaint with the FDA and determined the likeliness deramaxx contributed to the dog's death was "high.”“It's common sense and common decency to let people know what the side effects are of any drug their pet might take,” State Senator Michael Stack.Pennsylvania State Senator Michael Stack wants a change in the law to force vets to inform owner's of drug side effects.It is for good reason because, as the CBS 3 I-Team discovered, FDA records show more than 3,000 dogs have died after taking a variety of painkillers including deramaxx.19,000 dogs have had adverse reactions to the meds.It's why Jetta's remains are in a box and why she's not running around anymore raising the spirits of the sick.“There's no recovering, it's been such an emotional situation,” said the owner.We contacted Novartis the maker of deramaxx and in a statement the company tells Eyewitness News:Deramaxx has been safely and effectively used to treat more than one million dogs for canine osteoarthritis .Novartis also says it provides vets with an information sheet about the benefits and possible side effects of deramaxx, so make sure your vet gives it to you.
(© MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

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