It's hard to say what our furkids do all day while we are away besides bark when the mailman or Man in the Brown Suit arrives. I used to be convinced that Riley was an angel while we were away. He never did anything distructive as a puppy. Yes, a few shredded books here, a potty accident there, but nothing like what Sabrina did.
As I mentioned in a previous post, SOMEONE has been on the leather couch. So far, the sniff test has only revealed Riley as the culprit. However, the sniff test is not quite so reliable when the only parts touching the couch are paws. I refuse to go around sniffing all 16 paws to see whom is leaving paw indentations on the sofa!
This dilemma has required some problem-solving as well as some sleuthing. Come with me as I slip back into the days when I pretended I was Nancy Drew. Nancy always cracked her cases.
Sabrina, luckily, can safely be eliminated as a possible culpirt. Recently, we have taught Sabrina to remain on a tie-down in the house. When we are home, she is constantly in front of us or circling us. And if it's neither of the two, then she's tripping you. I simply had to break her of that habit or I could see myself tumbling down the stairs with an infant in my arms. And then DSS would come to my house and have me arrested. So I have taught her to stay in the room or in a nearby room and stay calmly on a 4 foot tie-down. We are delighted that we did not have to resort to crating her. We can now leave her on a tie down all day while we are at work and she has been incident free for a week now!
So that leaves Little 7 pound Li, big Tank MeiMei, and the Bernerbuddy. So I purchsed a Scat Mat, made by SmartPak.

Just imagine a tri-colored dog there instead of the golden.
The Scat Mat has 3 settings. Low, medium, and high. The first time I set it up, it said low for small pets like cats or short haired animals. Not wanting to send my kitties into a seizure, I left it on low. I even tried it out myself. It's like a really good carpet shock. I came home and checked how many times it had been activated. EIGHT TIMES?! The next day it went up to High. We continue to get an average of 6 activations a day! Somebody does not mind being shocked and it must be one big, hairy animal...hmmmmmmm...Nancy Drew, what do you think?
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