Know anyone who might be interested in a no-vax, raw fed, homeopathic
& chiropractic treated Toller puppy girl? That's a Nova Scotia Duck
Tolling Retriever, for those who have no clue what a Toller is.
This is a pic of "Rockie" at 7 weeks.

I have a pup born on July 25. Who really deserves to be in a forever
home at this point. Even though she is my comic relief and a blast
to have around. I held her back until I had a better handle on her
personality. Specifically her livability factor. She is a real spit-
fire and very independent. Her half brother was the same way at her
age but is now super easy to live with. I feel she is following the
same path. Phew!
We call her Rockie Balboa because she was the underdog of this
litter. She just never realized it. She was half the size of her
littermates. But ran the pack from day one. 1st one to the milk bar
and last to leave. Wiggling her way past all her amazon siblings to
get to the best faucet. Type of stuff. I've yet to find something
she's afraid of. She plays hard core tug with the big dogs. The
fact she is a fraction of their size makes no difference to her.
She's a tough cookie but has a soft obedient side too.
Picture of Mom, Buddie, and her litter.

I feel Rockie can best make her mark in the world doing something
which uses her body and brain. She seems to have the
body/mind/spirit for frisbee, agility, flyball, field, etc. Her
attention span is excellent and she has good eye contact for
She should be showable, if she can stretch to 17" high. Height is in
her pedigree, but she looks petite at this point. Her size should
serve her well in athletic events, but might make it harder to get
points in the show ring. She's got the type of body that can take a
licking and keep on ticking. With regular chiropractic care, of
course. Her "expensive" clearance is done. She's PRA and CEA
She is a raw feeders dream. Especially those who like to feed real
prey model. I've yet to find a food she won't dig into with gusto.
And process beautifully. She's been under the care of Dr Jeff
Feinman since birth and already has her case started. He also treats
her mom, 1 littermate, and 2 half brothers. IOW's, a homeopathic
history exists which makes case management soooo much easier if you
use homeopathy as your primary healing modality.
My ideal home would be holistically minded, who will continue what I
started. With a lifestyle to keep her brain and body busy. Ideally
with other dogs. Where the humans knows how to be an effective
If anyone is interested, or knows anyone interested, I can be reached
at 978-465-2661
Deena Mottola
PortStar Tollers
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