Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Girlfriend's Birthday

Riley's favorite gal pal celebrated her 3rd birthday party at Beaverbrook park today. We set off earlier in the afternon for the pet store to buy some special goodies for her birthday present. Riley chose a bright pink floating ball for her when the weather gets warmer and she gets to have her doggy pool in her backyard. We also added a great selection of yummy doggy treats. Did you know that Old Mother Hubbard makes a new biscuit called, "Please Kiss Me" !! We just couldn't resist buying those for his best girlfriend!
When we arrived at the park, Riley spotted Agave from atop the hill. She was wearing pretty pink bows on her collar and smiling from ear to ear. Riley gave his special birthday wishes to Agave and then beelined straight to the picnic table that was pilled high with treats, for both doggies and their humans. Along with the goodies was a big huge trash bag filled with tennis balls! (compliments of the Waverly Oaks Tennis Club where Dory teaches). Every dog got their own ball and as many treats as their humans would allow. Some dogs were a bit more assertive and took matters into their own paws, jumping right up onto the table to get a better look at the snacking options. So many breeds showed up to share in Agave's celebration: Goldens, Goldendoodles, Portugese Water Dogs, Vizlas, Beagles, Irish Wolfhounds, Australian Shepards, Weimeriners, Pit Terriers, and a bunch of great mixes! One of the best party activities was when it was time for Frosty Paws. Every dog got their own cup of the frozen refreshment. Each dog devoured their treat in their own fashion. Agave, of course, got to have her's and anyone else's she could steal, but Hey! It's her birthday and she can grub if she wants to!
I was very proud of Riley. He partied hard...and still came home clean!

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