Friday, March 24, 2006


Kymythy Schultze's book, "Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats - The Ultimate Diet" was the first book on natural diet I ever read. I love this little book. In fact, I leave it on my coffee table so that I can browse through it frequently. Time and time again, I see others recommend this book. It is a small, paperback that makes learning about this type of diet so simple and easy to understand. I have not yet attended a seminar of a natural diet "guru" for lack of a better term. I hear about seminars all the time by famous veterinarians such as Dr. Schultz, Dr. Hamilton, or Dr. Jean Dodds. But I always felt the information would be over my head and more involved than I am really interested in. But this author, I think I would really like to attend this seminiar. I enjoy learning more about animal health and nutrition when it is not shoved down my throat, or when it is presented in layman terms and not full of technical jargon.

Don't miss this great seminar featuring Kymythy Schultze Certified Animal Health Instructor and Clinical Nutritionist Author of Ultimate Diet:Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats and The Natural Nutrition no Cook Book
MAY 20-21, 2006 - HARRISBURG, PA

Topics for the 2-day seminar include:

*The food your dog/cat evolved to thrive on
*How commercial pet food is made
*Diet & disease prevention with nutrition
*Homemade and commercial diet nutrition comparison
*Raw vs cooked food
*Vitamins, minerals, & supplements
*Bodywork:Acupressure immune system stimulation, body massage,
*Flower essences: How to use remedies for emotional and physical disorders.
*Herbs: How to use herbs nutritionally and medicinally. The scientific
validation of herbs
*Holistic animal care: What it is and why to use it. Resources
*Homeopathy: How to use it to help your pet with acute and chronic disorders

OR sign up for only the day that covers the topics you're interested in!
Click here for more details and to register:


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