Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hey Hounds, Mama's Back!

I kept wanting to write a post of my recent magnificent accomplishment but it wasn't really Bernerbuddy related. It was more about Miss Precious and I really wanted to keep this blog focused on my furkids. And then this morning it hit me. This absolutely has to do with the furkids!!

My recent magnificent accomplishment is.....(Thunder Drum roll please.......) Miss Precious is sleeping in her crib!


Double YA-Hoo. I had to do it. The alternative was just killing me (and ruining my back). Just for background information on why this is such a monumental event...Miss Precious is going to be 4 months next week and since her birth, Mommy has been her food, her pacifier, and her bed. That means out of a 24 hours day, I had about one hour to myself. URGH.

So we have "Ferberized" her. Something I never thought I would ever do to my child. It was a simple behavior modification technique similar to what I might have used on my furkids. And it took two days. I'm sure we will continue to have new challenges ahead, but for now, my hands are free to hug, wrestle, and scratch my dear furchildren. I indulged each of them yesterday just to try and make up for lost time-if that were possible. They're the best. No hard feelings, no resentment. Just glad Mama's back!


Unknown said...

Sounds like the best thing for everyone! Being able to get to sleep by yourself is a skill we all need in life. :-)

alegna said...

Yes, aren't we all creatures of habit? I sympathize with Miss Precious as I call the dogs into the bed when my bed feels empty on the other side!