Yesterday was Mei Mei's's a cute picture of her with baby Sabrina.
She is also also known lovingly as "Tank" and "Butterball."
I could go into a nice background story as to why she has earned these nicknames, but out of respect for her on her birthday, I will refrain. I think the picture is self explanatory.
Mei Mei is 6 years old.
We actually don't really know for sure her real birthdate. This is just the date the Boston MSPCA estimated when she was surrendered by someone who found her but couldn't keep her. We got her when she was 6 months old. We went to the MSPCA, the DogFather (who was only the CatFather back then) saw her and asked to see her, and she crawled up in his lap and curled up to go to sleep. We went home with her that day. And since then, he's always had a huge soft spot for her. His office is also her lair, her sanctuary from all the other animals in the house.
You wonder what Mei Mei got for her birthday? I roasted some chicken strips in the oven for her. And tomorrow she will get a nice bath. She won't like the bath part but she really needs it!
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