Yesterday we rearranged the living room. YAY! Let's say that again..YAAAAY! I get really psyched about moving furniture around. It feels like we've revitalized our most common living space. I feel refreshed. There is more air, more energy, and better Feng Shui in the room now. I'm very pleased. I think all the furkids thought it was a good change too. There is more room for Riley to lay down and though the X-Pen is still set up in the room, Riley now has a window view. All of Sabrina and Riley's toys have been reorganized in a basket and this morning, Sabrina has been very busy taking them all out to explore. It's funny what a little reorganization can do.
Riley is doing pretty well. We had an Oops moment yesterday though. This isn't our first oops moment. I had a mini one with him one of the first days post TPLO when he came in from the rain and slipped on the floor on his way into his pen. He didn't seem to have injured himself there. Just gave me a mini heartattack. Since then, I've been sure to wipe down his paws after he comes in if it's wet outside. Like this morning, when out steps were slippery with frost...eek! But yesterday morning upon our return from Yoga, Riley got a little too excited. I came around the kitchen to say hello to him and calm him down and I saw his head popping up over the pen. The pen is 3.5 feet high. Riley was jumping up on his back legs in excitement. Before I could get him to calm down, I heard him yelp. By the time I got to him, he was holding his leg up high in the air. He just doesn't realized that he is still healing. He is obviously feeling great. I keeping saying...8 more weeks...
The leg seems fine today. I have been massaging it. I have now added the mesh top to his x-pen. It is advertised as a sun shade. I originally purchased it to ensure that Sabrina would not be getting into the pen. Now it works well to keep Riley from letting his paws leave the floor. He seems to still like his "den" and will retreat into his pen when Sabrina gets too roudy.
His fur is growing back thicker and his incision seems like it has healed. The staples will be removed tomorrow by our local vet. I think once the staples come out he will stop bothering with his leg so much.
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