Riley is recovering very nicely. The discoloration and swelling are just about gone. I did have to ice his leg Friday night as he was licking one area red. It looked like he might have bumped his knee or gotten scratched by one of his siblings. He welcomed the cold compress. But where there was redness and a little swelling the night before, by morning it was gone. His entire leg down to his ankle are now back to normal. It is very good to see. His incision continues to look clean and dry. I cannot wait until next week when he gets those staples out. I kinda can't comprehend how they are going to be able to take the staples out without tranquilizing him or at least numbing the area locally. They seem like they're really in there. I'm gonna have to call and ask. Apparently we have to go to our local vet to get the staples out.
He has been fairly good about staying in his pen. I leave the gate open so that he can see out of it easily, even though the entire thing is mesh and he can pretty much see everything that is going on around him. He gets to go out for two potty breaks a day on a short 4 foot leash. I have to be very vigilant about keeping him at a slow walk though. He gets outside, throws his nose up in the air as if to drink in the beautiful fresh, crisp air, and wants to run off into the closest pile of leaves. It can also be quite humorous when he turns to look at his bare rump as if to say, "How come things are a little chilly back there?" He is managing the front stairs going down quite well with me walking closely next to him to keep him from going down too fast. On occasion, he attempts to go up the stairs as well, and I let him as I closely supervise. I think it's good for him to use his leg muscles for those few seconds of the day. His weight, unfortunatley, has probably gone up. I have to rub his sides pretty hard just to feel those ribs. Besides the potty walks, meals are the only other major event of his day. I'll just have to add in more tummy rubs and brushing time. I tried to add green beans into his meal last night to act as a filler. As he ate mouthfuls of his yummy salmon, he would eject the green beans out, projectile-style. I think he was thinking, "Are you kidding me? Frozen green beans?"
Sabrina, however, thought it was great and took it upon herself to clean up the green bean mess.
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