Sunday, May 14, 2006

Agility: Class 2

We've made progress! I bought Riley a new short leash for agility. It is less than a foot long so that I can release it and allow him to go through obstacles without a long leash dragging behind him, tripping him or worse, knocking the equipment over. We were introduced to the Teeter Totter this past class. I was able to convince Riley to walk up one side (yes, all 4 paws on a narrow plank!) right up to the middle, before the weight changes and causes the board to drop and make that loud, scary noise. Here's a picture:

We will work on walking over to the scary side next time. And, no, that is not Riley. No way in hell I could ever maneuver a camera while I work with Riley on agility equipment.

I am most impressed that Riley is running through the tunnel

and the chute,

jumping over bar jumps and solid jumps,

jumping through the tire,

jumping up on the table and sitting (we'll get to down stay eventually!),

and will even weave through all the poles!

With the help of turkey hotdog and Yummy Chummies of course.

I have been able to get him through two consecutive obstacles without food reinforcement. Next week, I will try to fade out the food and use just the clicker and praise to see how he does when he is not constantly looking for a tasty morsel. Riley was "dog tired" after 40 minutes of class. All that thinking and eating puts a toll on my Berner boy! He enjoyed the 30 minute ride home for sure; windows down, eyes squinting through the downpour of rain, smiling, and smiling. Good boy, Smiley Riley.

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