Riley has three kitty sisters. From oldest to youngest: Little Li just turned 7 at the turn of the new year, Mei Mei will be 5 in the spring, and Ming-a-ling will be three next summer.

Little Li gets her name from her petite size. Just barely 7 pounds, she by far has the most poise and is the most agile. Oftentimes we walk into a room to find her sitting in a perfect statuette pose. We also call her the "Nudginator" cuz she nudges a lot as a way to show her affection. She is a beautiful gray/brown striped tiger with a black tipped tail. She always has a soft, calm look to her face. She generally keeps out of Riley's way. I'm not sure the two have much in common.

Mei-Mei is also known as Meister, the turkey bastor. This would pertain primarily to her 21+ pound pear shaped body. Mei-Mei is...a black and white blob. The poor girl can't help it. It is simply her body type. She has a flat face, more rounded ears, and a flabby belly. As a kitten she used to have knee problems due to her excessive weight gain. Luckily on an all raw diet, she has not needed surgery. And she is the most needy one of the bunch, always wanting to find a cozy lap or pillow to snuggle into. Unfortunately, she is also the target of the most mischevious one, Ming. Because of this rivalry, Riley has to step in at times to referee. He hates a quarral.

Ming is also known as the Minganator (after the Terminator). Jeffrey put Ming-a-ling on her collar tag just to be funny, and cuz it rhymes and we like rhymes. She was the unexpected child. Though all of our girls are adopted, Ming was found in our backyard....*feral*. Yeah. She's a lot of work. She has been raw fed from the first day we had her so she is the best eater of the girls. She tears into all her meals with relish. Being the youngest of the bunch, she has the most energy and is always getting into something. Usually, she's getting into trouble. She is all muscle, with a longer face, pointy ears, mascara-lined eyes, and a long tail. Her coat is white with large gray spots. And she is obsessed with Mei Mei. When Ming approaches Little Li, Little Li will actually wrestle with her, satisfying the younger sister's, "will you play with me? Let's play! Let's play!" But when she approaches, "the Blob" she gets warning growls that are just too tempting to ignore. Sometimes, we will see that Ming just wants to be close to Mei, her closest older sister, but Mei Mei only finds her as a nuisance. Ming is the closest to Riley in age and in affections. The only time we ever hear her purr is when she is on top of his head, sucking and kneading his fur. When Riley is away while we are on vacation, Ming will run to greet him upon his return to rub up against his chest and circle around his legs in affection. We keep hoping she's going to grow up soon.

Riley never takes advantage of the girls' smaller sizes. He will only use one gentle paw to play with them and allows his tail to be a cat toy. He always waits patiently behind them as they eat their meals, waiting for them to finish so that he can have clean-up duty. But he has learned never to bully them out of their food. I think he appreciates their companionship and respects them as members of the family. We'd like to think that he loves his sisters. For now, they are our family. Jeffrey has a name song for each of our babies. At any given time in the house, he can be heard singing their names to them. It is very charming.
1 comment:
that is just too cute!
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