Two weeks ago we ran out of raw food. The entire chest freezer down in the basement was....EMPTY!! The last bulk order I purchased came in early December right after Miss Precious came home. I bought a 50 pound box of lamb necks, a 40 pound box of pork necks, 2 large lamb shoulders, 20 or 30 pounds of goat bones, and another 40 or 50 pound box of turkey necks. They lasted us til 2 weeks ago. I calculated it out and it cost us a dollar per dog per day. Not bad huh? I must have been lucky and made some really good choices. However, chisling out appropriate portions from a a solid frozen 50 pound mass was no easy feat, nor do I have the time available to do that. So I didn't order again and kinda forgot about it.
Dogs still gotta eat and we're now on a tighter budget. So, yes, I confess, we went to kibble. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I know I know. I never thought it would come to this. Not only are the dogs eating kibble, so are the cats! The horror the horror.
Our almost 2 year old Sabrina has never eaten kibble in our house. Our almost 5 year old Riley hasn't eaten kibble since he was 4 months old. Mei Mei hasn't eaten kibble since Riley made the switch. And our almost 9 year old Little Li was just starting to warm up to raw meat as well. But for a 20 pound bag, it cost us $26 to feed the dogs until we could afford it on my next pay period and I could get another bulk order in with my coop.
The verdict on kibble? It still sucks.
Everyone is guzzling water like there's no tomorrow. The Dogfather commented the other day that he's never even seen the cats actually drink from the water bowl before.
The poops from everybody are 3 times bigger and they all poop 3 extra times a day! AND the poop really stinks.
More water and more poop means more trips outside. Thank goodness I'm home all day.
I watch the dogs like a hawk in fear they are going to bloat at any minute. They have both started to wheeze after literally inhaling all the dry kibble. So now I soak it in water before I give it to them.
And of course my poor sensitive guy, Riley, is itchy itchy itchy.
RAW FOOD ARRIVES TONIGHT!!! And I'm absolutely thrilled that I will be able to pick up fresh, naturally raised chicken and duck eggs tonight as well. We are all heading to one person's house where all the orders are being sent. And she raises her own chickens and ducks. All naturally raised, free to roam, no antibiotics to worry about, no growth hormones, no pesticide, no preservative. And they are supposedly deeeeelicious. I have never had a duck egg so I am going to try 6 of them. They are supposedly great for baking and making scrambled eggs. They are not for the dogs!!