It started out with Sabrina with a little yellow discharge. I would wipe them clean in hopes that her immune system would naturally clear things up. But last Sunday's swim in a pond in Athol resulted in bright lime green goop emerging from her eyes. Very goopy stuff. She has those lower eyelids that kinda bow outwards, so I'm sure she "caught" lots of yucky stuff from the pond.
Well, in the past two days, Riley has caught the eye goop. His is still yellow and not quite as flourescent, but goopy just the same.
In the past, I have used an antibiotic ointment, Terramycin.

This was the same stuff my mom used to use in our eyes when we had eye infections or red eye from swimming in the pool. But the discount pet store near us that used to sell it over the counter is no longer there. Oh no! And more vets require an office visit and prescription to get the stuff.
But all turns out well when I turn to a holistic practitioner and she points me in the direction of homeopathic treatments as well as a great over the counter homeopathic eye drop.
For the green goop, she told me to use remedy #1. For yellow goop, remedy #2. And the drops are preventative for the future, such as our upcoming vacation to Moosehead Lake.
It's the second day now and Sabrina's green is now yellow and much less goopy. Riley's is pretty much cleared up! I have to say, even I was impressed. Here is the over the counter eye drops that you can purchased from Whole Foods. In fact, I even used it this morning in my own eyes as they were a bit ithcy and it was great!

I am more than thrilled that I now have a new, cheaper option for treating eye infections. A closer look at Terramycin reveals that it is a petroleum-based product. So bleah, less of that in my eye, or their eyes, the better!