This has been the longest break I've ever taken from the blog. It seems these past few weeks have found me quite busy at work, quite tired upon coming home, and quite uninspired on blog topics. Here are the most recent updates:
Riley has returned to work at McLean Hospital with his sidekick, Mandy, in tow. (Sabrina is not happy to wait in the car while Riley gets to meet all these people and get back scratches.)
Sabrina has finished her Graduate Puppy Obedience class and we are so proud! Perhaps we'll dabble in some agility?
We have decided to find a new home for our Ming-a-Ling. We have until the end of this year to find her a new forever home who will love her, play with her, and not have another cat to compete with her. Anyone looking for a beautiful and athletic, 3 year old cat who LOVES playing with dogs?
A good friend of ours is getting a new puppy this week. A new playmate! Can't wait to meet him.
The Berner Club is having their Spring Fun Day next Sunday. We're going to have a blast!
Sabrina is going to have her first birthday soon. You think she'll start to smarten up?
Our BFF Jaxx is still on the mend from a paw injury. Get well soon Jaxxy!
And, tick season is upon us. Urgh.