We are heading up to the Moosehead Lake Hideaway for the holiday. I am planning on cooking a couple of yummy new dishes as well as try my hand at baking some sweet goodies. I've always loved cooking. Well, I should really say, I love cooking when I want to and when and only when I am in a good mood. And I've never baked anything that wasn't out of a box or tube. This X-mas, I am happy, thankful, and look forward to spending time cozied up in a cabin with my husband and furkids. This will be Sabrina's first stay away from home (besides in a tent). I am a bit nervous about how she will do if we need to leave the two of them in the cabin for a period of time. Thank goodness we have big brother Riley to keep her calm. I cannot imagine what it would be like if we had just the one Flattie, how do they stay calm with out a Berner Brother around?
So besides planning our entrees, I need to plan ahead what the furkids will eat. So far, I think I will bring 2 large Buffalo marrow bones, 6 lbs of lamb, 6 lbs of beef, and maybe 2 lbs of salmon. Plus I'll bring a few cans of Merrick, maybe Rocky Mountain Rainbows and Wild Buffalo Grill. They like those. And lots and lots of treats. Since I haven't had much time to train Sabrina, only during our brief morning walks, I plan to do more obedience training during this break. She still needs some work on down and stay. She's smart girl, just VERY ADD. Maybe she's more ADHD. Can't wait!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Happy anniversary Bernerbuddy Blog!
I have been anticipating the first anniversary since I started this blog: December 9th, and what do I do? I miss the date! I can't believe it's been an entire year and I am still writing and people are actually still reading! I want to thank my three friends (two in my dance troupe and one in Cali) and my husband for reading my blog (at least somewhat regularly). You guys have kept me writing and helped me enjoy writing about my Bernerbuddy et al.
And all you lurkers out there that have popped in from time to time, won't you leave me a message? I'd like to know whom is reading and what you think about things I have posted. I am so surprised that my blog has been visited by people from all over the world: Africa, Peru, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and more. WOW! Won't you say hello?!
And all you lurkers out there that have popped in from time to time, won't you leave me a message? I'd like to know whom is reading and what you think about things I have posted. I am so surprised that my blog has been visited by people from all over the world: Africa, Peru, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and more. WOW! Won't you say hello?!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
7 weeks post TPLO
Big event for the 7th week milestone...we've taken down the x-pen. If anything, I feel like we could use the x-pen for Sabrina, but she is not one to be confined. The couple of times I have tried to keep her in there did not go so well. First time she broke out. (Probaby just slipped out from underneath it.) And second time she was so anxious she couldn't even handle being in there for 20 minutes with a yummy marrow bone. So the X-pen is packed up and there is some wonderful extra space in our living room now!
This morning's walk was beautiful. The weather has been cooperating the past few weeks. The weekends have been beautiful. So I took the dogs to Beaverbrook and happened to see several Berners at the park. It is seldom that we see more than one of them so this was such a treat. One of the three that we saw is from the same puppy broker that we got Riley from. I have seen them at the park a couple of times before, but I never had Riley with me. With Riley at my side to be an ambassador, it gave me courage to talk to them more about this particular broker situation. It was ideal since both guardians were there. I didn't say that much, just asking about the general health of their Berner and letting them know that if they ever needed anything that the club is a great resource. The other woman with the cute female that Riley loves also chimed in. She recalled her encounter with the broker and knew right away that something about her just wasn't right. The poor couple was obviously shocked and surprised. No doubt a little devastated that the health of their furbaby was on the line. I hate to be the bearer of bad news as I remember how I felt when I first found out. But I also wished I had known so much sooner so that I wouldn't have "advertised" them when people came up to me asking where we got Riley from. I want people to know whom these people are and that they are not reputable breeders. Good thing the other Berner owner was there to help support me and the conversation. I hope to see them again and continue our conversation so they don't feel so helpless. One by one, we'll try to educate them all.
This morning's walk was beautiful. The weather has been cooperating the past few weeks. The weekends have been beautiful. So I took the dogs to Beaverbrook and happened to see several Berners at the park. It is seldom that we see more than one of them so this was such a treat. One of the three that we saw is from the same puppy broker that we got Riley from. I have seen them at the park a couple of times before, but I never had Riley with me. With Riley at my side to be an ambassador, it gave me courage to talk to them more about this particular broker situation. It was ideal since both guardians were there. I didn't say that much, just asking about the general health of their Berner and letting them know that if they ever needed anything that the club is a great resource. The other woman with the cute female that Riley loves also chimed in. She recalled her encounter with the broker and knew right away that something about her just wasn't right. The poor couple was obviously shocked and surprised. No doubt a little devastated that the health of their furbaby was on the line. I hate to be the bearer of bad news as I remember how I felt when I first found out. But I also wished I had known so much sooner so that I wouldn't have "advertised" them when people came up to me asking where we got Riley from. I want people to know whom these people are and that they are not reputable breeders. Good thing the other Berner owner was there to help support me and the conversation. I hope to see them again and continue our conversation so they don't feel so helpless. One by one, we'll try to educate them all.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Cat fights and girls
Ever really think about why we describe squabbling amongst those of the female gender, "cat-fights"? Or why certain individuals may be described as being, "catty" and we may even add in a little simutaneous snarl, "reaaaar," with our forearm raised and our fingers formed into a claw-like demonstration?
I know I have used this simile frequently to desribe situations I have witnessed and people I know. But in actuality, I live with it everyday. We have three female cats in the house. Believe me-it's at least one too many. In fact, several times in the course of Ming-a-Ling's young life (she's three) we have decided we could not keep her and was determined to find her a new home. You see, cats are very territorial. And they are not pack animals. Therefore, the whole idea that one is dominant and the others fall into their respectiful submissive places does not apply here. If they fight, they will always fight. And Ming-a-Ling is an all around instigator. And it's not at all as if she can dish it but can't take it. She certainly can take it too. Our little Sabrina finds Ming-a-Ling as the perfect squeeky toy and loves to chase her, pounce on her, and even take her entire head into her mouth.
Ming is just plain obsessed about MeiMei. It's pure, deep rooted, uncontrollable jealousy.
If we put MeiMei in the office, Ming sleeps outside the door. If MeiMei is sleeping on the couch, Ming will sneak up on her and pounce her. If MeiMei is in the litter box, Ming waits for her outside to ambush her. If MeiMei has slept on our bed, Ming will pee on the exact spot where she laid. Her obsessive, jealous behavior has driven us to purchase water bottles to spray at her when she is stalking MeiMei. Riley hates it as much as we do and will try to scare Ming off before she attacks.
When you experience a cat fight, it not only does your heart jump out of your chest, but your blood curdles and your nerves shake. There is no other way to describe it...it's evil. Riley cannot tolerate that kind of distressful behavior.
Yesterday, Ming-a-Ling got MeiMei good. We were set to send her off today. But of course, we couldn't do it. So we've set up a new plan of attack.
I went to Especially for Pets and looked through all the training products. This is what I got:

It's supposed to be a blend of simulated feline pheromones that create a sense of well being. Supposedly great for stress and tension. I wish I could spray it all over my poor MeiMei (heck I wish I could spray the stuff all over myself!). And if this doesn't work, then we've got strategically placed spray bottles of this stuff around the house:

It's the "most bitter stuff on earth." I tried it. Yeah, it's pretty bitter but not the most bitter substance I've ever tasted. Still, it's pretty nasty. The bottle says it protects anything that pets can chew, lick, or bite. I suppose it kinda applies to our situation of pouncing, clawing, and biting. The good thing is, it is safe to be sprayed directly on dogs and cats so we can spray away! So I came home and sprayed all the common living spaces with the calming spray, hoping to distill some calm, happy, energy: the couch, the cat tree, the rugs, the seat cushions, etc. And when Ming got within 2 feet of MeiMei, we sprayed her with "Fooey" for target practice. The house has been quiet since.
So if you ever want to get a clear picture of why we compare fighting females to cat fighting...please, come visit it first-hand in our home.
I know I have used this simile frequently to desribe situations I have witnessed and people I know. But in actuality, I live with it everyday. We have three female cats in the house. Believe me-it's at least one too many. In fact, several times in the course of Ming-a-Ling's young life (she's three) we have decided we could not keep her and was determined to find her a new home. You see, cats are very territorial. And they are not pack animals. Therefore, the whole idea that one is dominant and the others fall into their respectiful submissive places does not apply here. If they fight, they will always fight. And Ming-a-Ling is an all around instigator. And it's not at all as if she can dish it but can't take it. She certainly can take it too. Our little Sabrina finds Ming-a-Ling as the perfect squeeky toy and loves to chase her, pounce on her, and even take her entire head into her mouth.
Ming is just plain obsessed about MeiMei. It's pure, deep rooted, uncontrollable jealousy.
If we put MeiMei in the office, Ming sleeps outside the door. If MeiMei is sleeping on the couch, Ming will sneak up on her and pounce her. If MeiMei is in the litter box, Ming waits for her outside to ambush her. If MeiMei has slept on our bed, Ming will pee on the exact spot where she laid. Her obsessive, jealous behavior has driven us to purchase water bottles to spray at her when she is stalking MeiMei. Riley hates it as much as we do and will try to scare Ming off before she attacks.
When you experience a cat fight, it not only does your heart jump out of your chest, but your blood curdles and your nerves shake. There is no other way to describe it...it's evil. Riley cannot tolerate that kind of distressful behavior.
Yesterday, Ming-a-Ling got MeiMei good. We were set to send her off today. But of course, we couldn't do it. So we've set up a new plan of attack.
I went to Especially for Pets and looked through all the training products. This is what I got:

It's supposed to be a blend of simulated feline pheromones that create a sense of well being. Supposedly great for stress and tension. I wish I could spray it all over my poor MeiMei (heck I wish I could spray the stuff all over myself!). And if this doesn't work, then we've got strategically placed spray bottles of this stuff around the house:

It's the "most bitter stuff on earth." I tried it. Yeah, it's pretty bitter but not the most bitter substance I've ever tasted. Still, it's pretty nasty. The bottle says it protects anything that pets can chew, lick, or bite. I suppose it kinda applies to our situation of pouncing, clawing, and biting. The good thing is, it is safe to be sprayed directly on dogs and cats so we can spray away! So I came home and sprayed all the common living spaces with the calming spray, hoping to distill some calm, happy, energy: the couch, the cat tree, the rugs, the seat cushions, etc. And when Ming got within 2 feet of MeiMei, we sprayed her with "Fooey" for target practice. The house has been quiet since.
So if you ever want to get a clear picture of why we compare fighting females to cat fighting...please, come visit it first-hand in our home.
Monday, December 04, 2006
6 weeks post TPLO
The time really flew by. When we were first researching options for Riley's torn ACL, I read a lot of other people's comments about how fast the time really goes by. But at that time, 10 weeks of restricted activity seemed impossibly long. And here we are now at 6 weeks and luckily for us, everything went so smoothly and recovery came quickly.
I am too ansy to wait until 10 weeks for the x-ray. I am planning on calling the local "kind" vet tomorrow to see if they have x-ray capabilities. I would like Riley to have his x-ray now to confirm that the bone has healed. In addition, I am hoping that they will do the x-ray without any tranquilizer or sedative. If not, I'll have to go to our old "mean" vet and see if they can manage not to piss me off again.
I am too ansy to wait until 10 weeks for the x-ray. I am planning on calling the local "kind" vet tomorrow to see if they have x-ray capabilities. I would like Riley to have his x-ray now to confirm that the bone has healed. In addition, I am hoping that they will do the x-ray without any tranquilizer or sedative. If not, I'll have to go to our old "mean" vet and see if they can manage not to piss me off again.
Our dog ate our WHAT?!
Jeffrey got home before me today. At 3:30pm, I got a call from him. I cringed in the seat of my car. I assumed he was calling to tell me what Sabrina did in the house...what she tore up...perhaps it was something of mine....or something important to him. So far she hasn't destroyed anything of any importance. It's usually just a bunch of newspaper shredded, any miscellaneous clothing is dragged out, and her toys all strewed about. But each day, I brace myself to find the worst. Today, however, was no typical day.
Today she knocked over our trash bin.
Oh, and she helped herself to the contents inside. What was inside you ask?
Our Wedding Cake.
Yup. I just took our wedding cake top out of the freezer this weekend cuz I decided it was taking up too much room and there was no way it would be good. Who thought of this silly tradition anyways? To eat a cake that has been frozen for a year?! Yuck. So I threw it out. Well, Sabrina ate it-ALL. It was a pretty good sized cake. About 6 inches by 8 inches and about 6 inches thick. A big serving, especially for a little puppy.
Jeffrey said he reamed out the both of them. He thinks Riley should have known better and stopped her. Yah, right!
Well, needless to say, Sabrina's not feeling too well tonight. By the time I got home around 6pm, she had already lost the contents of her lil tummy, 5 times. She was restricted to Riley's pen and she wasn't even crying.
"Yeah, She's not feeling too well," Jeffrey informed me. "Riley's really concerned about her."
After ensuring that she was done ralphing, I let her have some water and gave her a dose of homeopathic remedy, Nux Vomica. She is now resting peacefully. Riley seems to be feeling fine so he must have known she was doing something naughty and opted not to get involved. He is my good boy, isn't he?
I'm just glad everyone is feeling better and that the cake wasn't chocolate cake. So the lesson to be learned here?
Today she knocked over our trash bin.
Oh, and she helped herself to the contents inside. What was inside you ask?
Our Wedding Cake.
Yup. I just took our wedding cake top out of the freezer this weekend cuz I decided it was taking up too much room and there was no way it would be good. Who thought of this silly tradition anyways? To eat a cake that has been frozen for a year?! Yuck. So I threw it out. Well, Sabrina ate it-ALL. It was a pretty good sized cake. About 6 inches by 8 inches and about 6 inches thick. A big serving, especially for a little puppy.
Jeffrey said he reamed out the both of them. He thinks Riley should have known better and stopped her. Yah, right!
Well, needless to say, Sabrina's not feeling too well tonight. By the time I got home around 6pm, she had already lost the contents of her lil tummy, 5 times. She was restricted to Riley's pen and she wasn't even crying.
"Yeah, She's not feeling too well," Jeffrey informed me. "Riley's really concerned about her."
After ensuring that she was done ralphing, I let her have some water and gave her a dose of homeopathic remedy, Nux Vomica. She is now resting peacefully. Riley seems to be feeling fine so he must have known she was doing something naughty and opted not to get involved. He is my good boy, isn't he?
I'm just glad everyone is feeling better and that the cake wasn't chocolate cake. So the lesson to be learned here?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Sabrina's First Beach Day
This weekend was my "birthday weekend." Along with the best presents a girl could want for her birthday, Jeffrey changed his plans this morning to take us all to the beach. It was the best way to finish up an already fantastic weekend. The weather was gorgeous and the furkids had been ansy in the house all morning. So we packed them up and up 128 we drove, right up to Wingersheek Beach. With his head out the window, Riley already knew where we were headed. He took some deep sniffs and smiled happily in my rear view mirror. Sabrina was twitching with excitement. Needless to say, we all enjoyed ourselved tremendously. Sabrina took to the sand and water with no hesitation. Riley immediately flopped onto his back so he could do his favorite back shimmy shimmy roll. I was even able to get a couple of short videos of them running and playing. Sabrina was hilarious, acting like a crazy lady, chasing waves, learning to dig in the sand. Here are some great pics:
Riley thoroughly enjoyed teasing his little sister by stealing her ball and burying it. Boy was it great to see him smiling.
Two minutes after we got back into the car, the furkids were out like a light. That was before 12 o'clock noon. It's 5pm now as I'm writing up this post, and they are still snoozing on the couch! Let sleeping dogs lie!
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